
Links for More Information about Bodie:
The Ghost Town and its History
Bodie Foundation
A non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the gold
mining ghost town of Bodie. Its volunteers raise money on behalf of Bodie State Historic Park. www.bodiefoundation.org. Also see Bodie Foundation on Facebook.
"The Road to
A 4 minute, 40 second video
clip of the modern-day drive into Bodie, California.
"The Real West,
Not So Wild"
National Public Radio
segment on Bodie and other ghost towns.
Authentic Boomtown Saloon Music
Performed on piano by Dave
Bourne. www.saloonpiano.com
Authentic Wild West Brass
Band Music
Performed by Territorial Brass. www.territorialbrass.com
Photos of Bodie
and More
James C. Ritchie's Bodie
photos appearing on this site and in Michael H. Piatt's
volume, "Bodie, The Mines are Looking Well ..."
are among those that can be viewed at his website. www.JamesCRitchie.com.
The Bodie Store
Purchase Bodie books and other items. Proceeds benefit the Bodie Foundation. www.thebodiestore.com

The Calico sheriff stresses a point while arguing with Bodie historian Michael Piatt. (Author’s collection, December 2007) California's
Ghost Town?
NPR featured the tussel over whether Bodie or Calico deserves the designation. The State Legislature finally declared Bodie the official gold mining ghost town, and Calico would become the state's official silver mining ghost town.
Listen to the report |